

This is the first post after #365RajaQuiz concluded on July 28th, 2013.  🙂

I have never dared to separate vocals from music before. முகிலோ மேகமோ was too irresistible to not attempt it. 

Normally, I focus on my favorite instrument notes of Maestro Ilaiyaraaja that I never ever needed a vocal-remover. In this case, I just wanted to verify, if my mental extirpation of strings from the vocals matched the actual. And it did. I just wanted to share that simple pleasure with you all 🙂

For a week, I am unable to get out of this song. The strings are too good, too precious. These strings are not just sublime, but, something more ethereal. It truly tugs at the heartstrings. 

I won’t call my first experimental attempt to remove vocals as “great quality.” But, I just tried.

And I am writing this post to just exhort others to enjoy the beauty of this album by listening to it from various angles. 

Removing vocals to highlight the strings is in no way to minimize the actual voice, which is also equally another main highlight of this song. Rather, it shows the hard-work, ingenuity, and mother lodes of sentimental yearning, this Lord of Strings has packed.

Thank you, Raaja! 

What a precious gift this album is!